When you think about life, your life, or the life of others, we all really want, pretty much, the same things.

Black or White, Asian or Latino, we are all the same.  The problems arise when one group of individuals what’s to take from you and keep it for themselves. 

Governments, Political leaders and Parties, Democrats or Republicans, kings, despots, local taxes, state taxes, or however you want to dissect the many issues that plague our lives, they all come down to individuals working together to take from others, so they can enrich their lives, their influence to control and enslave those who are less able to defend themselves.

Regardless of the past atrocities by men toward other men and women, groups, beliefs, or skin color, we are all the same.

Like most of you, I have no desire to control another, force another or even influence another to do as I say.  I will admit that I am in favor of teaching the truth, searching for the truth, and attempting to live by what I believe, but I also understand that even though what I believe is life-changing for me, it may not be to others, so be it.

The beauty of this life is in the choice we enjoy choosing and decide for ourselves.  Those choices cannot and should not be forced, mandated, or limited by those in power, especially when they fail to follow those mandates that they have demanded from us.

Your politics and our choices are yours to make, as mine are as well, but when your choices infringe upon my choices, then one of us has moved beyond the principle of example and has adopted the idea of force. Those that use force to muscle or constrain others to their will, are not interested in your willingness to follow or not, you will comply to their will or may die, depending on how much power they have over you.

I am willing to let others live any way they desire, but on that path, when I do, the response has inevitably been to force me to comply with their choices in such a manner that I am forced to agree with their choices, not just letting them make their choices.  I am forced to be complicit and agreeable with them and their choices and their lifestyles, even if I am not.

Abortion is one of those issues.  The mandated use of pronouns in another.  Racial tensions are another.  The political decisions of the left scare me and the changes they want for this country scare me.  Men being allowed to compete in girls’ sports?  Men giving birth?  Radical abortion laws?  

Like I said above, you can be or do whatever makes you happy.  If you want to act like a woman and even surgically alter your body to conform to that desire, by all means, have at it, but when your choices affect my choices, then that becomes a group of individuals working together to take advantage of other individuals, like myself, with the general motivation to force me and others to comply to your choices.  


Wouldn’t you agree?